Discussions on Suspensory Desmitis, Strain, & Sprain
Titles |
Subtopics |
Posts |
Updated |
 | How deep is too deep for rehab trot footing? | 1 | 2 | Mar 25, 18 |
 | Injury in same leg, now proximal desmitis | 1 | 2 | Jan 7, 16 |
 | Research: How good is ultrasound at detecting suspensory lesions? | 1 | 1 | Jan 4, 16 |
 | Do Healed Ligaments regain their normal size? | 1 | 4 | Nov 13, 15 |
 | LH Medial Branch Suspensory injury | 1 | 2 | Jul 3, 15 |
 | Suspensory ligament in front? | 1 | 11 | Mar 12, 15 |
 | Prognosis for long standing proximal hind suspensory ligament desmitis | 1 | 2 | Jan 25, 14 |
 | Diffuse injury to proximal suspensory ligament in foreleg | 1 | 25 | Oct 10, 12 |
 | Research Summary: Ultrasonographic Abnormalities of the Suspensory ... | 1 | 1 | May 29, 12 |
 | Suspensory desmitis help and advice please | 1 | 7 | Nov 27, 11 |
 | Hind Leg Suspensory Desmitis | 1 | 5 | Nov 20, 10 |
 | Any body rehabbing for suspensory? Set backs? PRP? | 1 | 11 | Oct 6, 10 |
 | Suspensory Rehab - is handwalking as good as riding? | 1 | 1 | Aug 3, 10 |
 | 3 of 4 legs with Suspensory Desmitis - Questions on rehab | 1 | 9 | Aug 5, 10 |
 | Suspensory or hock issue? | 1 | 14 | Nov 19, 10 |
 | Shoes with trailers for hind PSD | 1 | 8 | Apr 5, 09 |
 | Research Summary: New Hope for Chronic Proximal Suspensory Desmitis | 1 | 1 | Mar 24, 09 |
 | Suspensory ligament failure | 1 | 3 | Mar 19, 09 |
 | Suspensory issues...need advice | 1 | 25 | Jan 25, 09 |
 | Injury to foreleg proximal suspensory ligament, 6 months on. | 1 | 4 | Jan 4, 10 |
 | Suspected hind suspensory injury--Bute or not? | 1 | 2 | Oct 15, 08 |
 | Palpates sore on both front suspensories but is sound | 1 | 6 | Sep 8, 08 |
 | Research Summary: Nerve Compression as Complication to PSD in the Rear | 1 | 1 | Mar 23, 09 |
 | Research Summary: Platlet Rich Plasma for Suspensory Injuries | 1 | 1 | Jul 28, 08 |
 | How can I be sure its Suspensory Injury? | 1 | 8 | Jul 10, 08 |
 | My poor dressage gelding was made permanently lame by a cocky and n... | 1 | 5 | Mar 15, 08 |
 | Research Summary: A simplified technique for blocking the proximal ... | 1 | 2 | Jan 20, 08 |
 | Suspensory desmitis: Thank you | 1 | 2 | Dec 25, 07 |
 | Hind limb Proximal Suspensory Desmitis- rider induced? | 1 | 12 | Nov 19, 07 |
 | Long term plan for TB with detached Suspensory ligament | 1 | 3 | Oct 29, 07 |
 | Swelling in tendons/ligaments directly below hock | 1 | 2 | Aug 30, 07 |
 | Suspensory strain in 10 year old stallion | 1 | 5 | Jul 31, 07 |
 | Hind Suspensory injury 1-year ago | 1 | 2 | Apr 18, 07 |
 | Check ligament rehabilitation | 1 | 5 | Apr 12, 07 |
 | Treatment of chronic pr. suspensory desmitis with shockwave therapy | 1 | 1 | Nov 27, 06 |
 | Core lesion | 1 | 17 | Sep 27, 06 |
 | Chronic bilateral hind limb suspensory desmitis hereditary? | 1 | 7 | Nov 14, 06 |
 | Suspensory | 1 | 2 | Aug 25, 06 |
 | Lower hind suspensory injury | 1 | 2 | Jul 24, 06 |
 | Cold hosing treatment for ligament sprains | 1 | 2 | Jun 12, 06 |
 | Suspensory desmitis with fractured splint bone | 1 | 4 | Apr 30, 06 |
 | PSD of hindleg | 1 | 6 | Feb 17, 06 |
 | Adopting Ex-Racehorse who had prior Front Suspensory Strains | 1 | 4 | Aug 1, 10 |
 | Preventing suspensory injuries | 1 | 16 | Oct 28, 05 |
 | Any other possible explanations? | 1 | 30 | Dec 15, 05 |
 | Minor desmitis of the lateral Suspensory branch | 1 | 4 | Aug 24, 05 |
 | Suspensory lamness | 1 | 9 | Oct 24, 06 |
 | Suspensory Desmitis in a weanling | 1 | 5 | Jul 14, 05 |
 | Any info on Dalmar tendon support boots? | 1 | 5 | Jul 12, 05 |
 | Extracorporeal shock wave treatment for desmitis supported | 1 | 1 | Jul 8, 05 |
 | Risk of reinjury to healed suspensory ligament | 1 | 2 | Apr 16, 05 |
 | "Playing" while healing | 1 | 16 | Jun 26, 05 |
 | Does ultrasound have to return to normal for soundness to return? | 1 | 60 | Sep 6, 08 |
 | Shoeing advice for proximal hindleg suspensory injury | 1 | 6 | Feb 1, 05 |
 | Questions about Suspensory Injury | 1 | 6 | Jan 19, 05 |
 | New treatment for suspensory injuries | 1 | 2 | Nov 26, 04 |
 | Detached suspensory ligament? | 1 | 4 | Oct 23, 07 |
 | Unspecified lower limb lameness | 1 | 5 | Sep 8, 03 |
 | Bowed area in back leg - not the tendon... | 1 | 9 | Sep 3, 03 |
 | Swelling after being w/out wedge shoe for 2 days. | 1 | 4 | Aug 11, 03 |
 | Congenital Suspensory Ligament Problem? | 1 | 7 | Jul 11, 00 |
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