Discussions on Feeding and Caring for the Orphan Foal
Titles |
Subtopics |
Posts |
Updated |
 | 5 day old foal still won't nurse | 1 | 15 | Mar 15, 12 |
 | 3 week old orphan foal | 1 | 6 | Apr 11, 10 |
 | Rejected Foal - Bite Marks | 1 | 17 | Jun 16, 08 |
 | Good mom instinct/bad mom instinct | 1 | 9 | Apr 27, 07 |
 | Feeding orphan foal | 1 | 7 | Jun 1, 05 |
 | Orphan foal with diarrhea | 1 | 5 | May 10, 05 |
 | Mare without much milk...not fescue | 1 | 7 | Feb 16, 04 |
 | Foal won't nurse | 1 | 2 | Jul 24, 03 |
 | Survey for Research project on Orphan Foals | 1 | 1 | Jul 11, 03 |
 | Rejected foal | 1 | 12 | Mar 3, 03 |
 | Neurologic Form of EHV-1 | 1 | 4 | Nov 8, 02 |
 | Foal who's mom refuses to let her nurse | 1 | 8 | Jul 9, 02 |
 | Orphan Foal & Foal Lac | 1 | 12 | Jul 5, 02 |
 | Agalactia (mare has no milk) | 1 | 4 | Dec 29, 01 |
 | Orphan Foal Behavior | 1 | 4 | Jan 11, 03 |
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