Discussions on Overview of Pruritis: Scratching & Rubbing
Titles |
Subtopics |
Posts |
Updated |
 | Biopred | 1 | 19 | Oct 6, 13 |
 | Papules - Extremely itchy on body | 1 | 2 | Nov 28, 12 |
 | Can puritus indicate something more severe | 1 | 4 | Jun 25, 12 |
 | Mini itching like crazy! | 1 | 2 | Aug 5, 11 |
 | Very itchy pony - vets out of depth | 1 | 103 | May 9, 11 |
 | Recurrent itching | 1 | 4 | Dec 16, 10 |
 | Horse scratching herself on cactus | 1 | 4 | Jul 17, 10 |
 | Seasonal Skin Problems | 1 | 8 | Jul 22, 09 |
 | Two pasture mates losing hair.... | 1 | 6 | Sep 10, 08 |
 | Tail hair loss, deep infections at hair follicle | 1 | 2 | Jun 20, 08 |
 | Mare Itching off hair | 1 | 6 | Mar 16, 08 |
 | Itchy Ear & Sinus, Enlarged Thyroid | 1 | 2 | Feb 21, 07 |
 | Rub or skin condition | 1 | 2 | Jul 29, 05 |
 | Skin disorder/beaten up/insect bites or what? | 1 | 12 | Jul 7, 05 |
 | Sweet Itch Potion | 1 | 3 | Jul 7, 04 |
 | Use of Sevin (Carbaryl) on Horses | 1 | 6 | Jul 1, 04 |
 | Selenium Toxicosis? | 1 | 12 | Feb 13, 04 |
 | Sun triggers itchy nose | 1 | 10 | Oct 23, 03 |
 | Looking for a good topical to stop itchiness from gnats | 1 | 27 | May 15, 05 |
 | Hormones -itchy mare? | 1 | 2 | May 25, 03 |
 | After Bite For Horses? | 1 | 5 | May 20, 03 |
 | Itchyness | 1 | 2 | Sep 19, 02 |
 | Herpes | 1 | 3 | Jul 16, 02 |
 | Itchy yearling | 1 | 8 | Jun 15, 02 |
 | Itchy Tail... Driveing me BONKERS! | 1 | 40 | Jun 4, 02 |
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