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You can access the discussion's by clicking on the titles below. The associated parent article and other discussions on this topic are available by clicking on the navigation bar below. Articles are written and discussions moderated by an experienced equine veterinarian.
Discussions on Head Shaking including Photic and Medical Causes
  Titles Subtopics Posts Updated
iconHead shake with leg kick and nippingMar 3, 17
iconHead Shaking syndrome solved for at least 1 horseMar 1, 15
iconWhat's causing my horse to itch his nose madly?Sep 18, 09
iconResearch Summary: A Unusual Case of Head ShakingNov 21, 08
iconDoesn't quite seem like head shaking ... Mar 25, 08
iconSudden head flinchingSep 6, 07
iconSerious head-shaking and tossingMay 23, 03
iconCyproheptadine for head shakersMar 17, 03
iconHerpes and lysine linked to head shaking?Apr 27, 02
iconHead bobbing in stall, ties and ridingOct 18, 01
iconOne solution for head shakersNov 8, 00
iconSerious Head Flicking - leading to rearingMar 29, 00
iconMare shakes her head when upset11 May 17, 08
iconHead tossing/noddingOct 18, 02
iconHead Shaking SyndromeFeb 12, 03
This is an archived Discussion Menu Page. You can access the discussion's by clicking on the titles above. The associated parent article and other discussions on this topic are available by clicking on the navigation bar near the top of the page. Articles are written and discussions moderated by an experienced equine veterinarian.
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