Testing for Ulcers

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    • #20855
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      Dr. O,
      I have been reading a lot about ulcers in horses. I have a 22 year old gelding that is colicy on and off. THey have been mild colics but yesterday I had to take him to the clinic and he was palpated, and treated for colic and was tubed and he pulled through it fine. Now a day later he is showing some signs of not feeling 100%. My question is have people used the “Succeed Equine Fecal Blood Test”. I know what the company says about the test have you had any positive thoughts on using this testing mechanism?

    • #20859

      No mtca, I am not a big fan of the Succeed test. I wish there was more work available as to the reliability of the test for gastric ulcers but going to their site this morning and entering the vet section there is no new work (in fact one report has been taken down) to support the use for gastric ulcers. There are two problems: a positive is not specific for disease and a negative may not rule out the possibility of disease. However, it can be used as a screen with a positive for foregut bleedings suggesting further exam for ulcers. The article above goes into the diagnosis of EGUS in some detail and it is summarized at the end of the Diagnosis subtopic which has been updated some to reflect this morning’s research. What have your veterinarians diagnosed as the cause of the colic?

    • #20866
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      Dr. O, Thank you for getting back to me. The Vet did not diagnose any reason for his colic. HIs stomach was quiet and not overactive like I am used to hearing. I gave hime 12cc IV Banamine and when he wasnt better within an hour I knew he had to go to the clinic. When I got him there 30 minutes later he was showing interest in hay in the trailer. That is why I was wondering about the Colic test. My next question is can you recommend a good supplement for health of the digestive tract? There are so many products on the internet along with outragrous prices. How does a person know what would work, probiotics? I was looking for some kind of GUT health item.

    • #20868

      The short answer mtca, is no there is no pre or pro-biotic product I recommend. While there have been some positive research, it is very limited. For specifics see https://hastaging.com/horse-equine/horse-care/nutrition-feeds-feeding/probiotics/ , What I do recommend is that you go through our article on Nutrition Overview, https://hastaging.com/horse-equine/horse-care/nutrition-feeds-feeding/nutrition-overview/ ,and carefully evaluate your feeding regimen to see if it carefully follows the recommendations and, with consultation with your veterinarian, to slowly adjust your feeding regimen.

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