Indepth articles on the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of diseases of horses. Articles are arranged in topics by body systems and anatomy. At the bottom of every article is a forum where Horseadvice members can post questions and enter discussions with other members.
- This category has 661 topics, 210 replies, and was last updated 5 years ago by .
- Forum
- Topics
- Last Post
First AidArticles and discussions on general first aid preparation and procedures. First aid for specific conditions can be found in the article on the specific disease.
- First Aid Kit (2, 0)
- Taking Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration (2, 0)
- A Interview of DrO on Home First Aid (1, 0)
- Giving Injections and Anatomy Orientation (1, 0)
- Bandaging Horses (1, 0)
- Pressure Wraps, Poultices, Cold and Heat Therapy for Swelling in Ho… (3, 1)
- Counter Irritation as Therapy in Horses (1, 0)
- Anaphylactic Shock in Horses ∞ (0, 0)
- First Aid for Snake Bites (0, 0)
- First Aid for Colic ∞ (0, 0)
- First Aid for Wounds ∞ (1, 0)
- First Aid for the Lame Horse ∞ (0, 0)
- First Aid for Overheating and Exhaustion ∞ (0, 0)
- 12
- 10 months ago
Lameness in HorsesArticles and discussions on the diagnosis and treatment of the causes of equine lameness. The first step of figuring out your horses lameness is localizing where the pain comes from. If you are not sure your horse is lame or do not where the lameness is coming from start with the Localizing Lameness article. Once you localize your horse's lameness, check out the article on that specific anatomical area to get a further understanding of the diseases possible in this area and how to differentiate them. Once you know why your horse is lame you should read the specific article on your horse's disease.
- First Aid for the Lame Horse (1, 0)
- Localizing Lameness in the Horse (13, 23)
- The Interpretation of Radiographs (2, 0)
- Diseases of the Hoof
- Diseases of the Lower Limb
- Diseases of the Upper Front Limb (5, 0)
- Diseases of the Upper Rear Limb
- Diseases of the Spine, Back & Pelvis
- Leg Swellings
- Weakness, Exhaustion & Overheating
- Joint, Bone, Ligament Diseases
- Muscle & Tendon Diseases
- Treatment Methods for Lameness
- Lameness topics not covered above (0, 0)
- 159
- 3 weeks ago
Colic, Diarrhea, GI TractArticles and discussions on the diagnosis and treatment of equine gastrointestinal diseases including colic, diarrhea, ulcers, weight loss, and diseases of the mouth, esophagus, and liver.
- 95
- 2 months ago
Nervous SystemArticles and discussions on diseases of the horses nervous system. Neurological diseases are common in the horse and can affect the brain, spinal cord, and/or peripheral nerves. These articles will help you define the symptoms you see, localize them to an area of the nervous system, then diagnose and treat.
- 51
- 2 months ago
Skin Diseases, Wounds, and SwellingsArticles and discussions on skin diseases of horses and equines written and moderated by an equine veterinarian. Topics are grouped by similar clinical signs and include the appearance and location of commonly occurring swellings under the skin for diagnostic purposes.
- Hoof problems are covered in the Lameness topic.
- Grooming concerns are in the Care topic.
- 78
- 3 months ago
Respiratory SystemArticles and discussions on equine respiratory diseases written and moderated by an equine veterinarian including cough, heaves, COPD, snotty nose, fever, strangles, flu, rhinopneumonitis, pneumonia, roarers, laryngeal hemiplegia, nose bleeds (epistaxis), EIPH, guttural pouch disease, selenium toxicosis, anaphylaxis.
- Chronic Cough Without Fever (2, 0)
- Equine Asthma, Heaves in Horses (9, 0)
- Chronic Lower Airway Disease (3, 0)
- Nasal Discharge in the Horse (4, 0)
- Colds, Influenza, and Upper Respiratory Infection (4, 0)
- Strangles in Horses (6, 0)
- Flu & Influenza (2, 0)
- Rhinopneumonitis: Equine Herpes Virus (EHV1/4) (7, 0)
- Pneumonia & Pleuropneumonia (3, 0)
- Foal Pneumonia: Rhodococcus (6, 0)
- Noises and Decreased Performane in Exercising Horses: Roarers (5, 3)
- Laryngeal Hemiparesis and Paralysis (3, 0)
- Nose Bleeds: Epistaxis (2, 0)
- Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemmorage, EIPH (4, 0)
- Guttural Pouch Tympany (1, 0)
- Selenium Toxicosis (1, 0)
- Anaphylactic Shock (2, 0)
- African Horse Sickness ∞ (0, 0)
- Discussions on Respiratory System not covered by the above (2, 0)
- 66
- 1 month ago
Cardiovascular, Blood, and Immune SystemArticles and discussions on diseases of the horses cardiovascular system written and moderated by an equine veterinarian. Topics include anemia, EIA, Coggins, endotoxemia, septicemia, neonatal isoerythrolysis, failure of passive transfer, immunodeficiency, fell pony syndrome, heart disease, atrial fibrillation, equine granulocytic ehrlichiosis, piroplasmosis, red maple poisoning, equine viral arteritis, anthrax, myeloma, lymphoma, lymphosarcoma, saddle thrombus, lymphoedema.
- The Diagnosis of Anemia (1, 0)
- Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) and the Coggins Test (1, 0)
- Endotoxemia in Horses (1, 0)
- Foal Septicemia: Gram Negative Blood Infections (3, 0)
- Neonatal Isoerythrolysis (0, 0)
- Failure of Passive Transfer of Immunity (2, 0)
- Severe Combined Immunodeficiency in Arab Foals (0, 0)
- Fell Pony Syndrome (1, 0)
- Heart Disease (3, 0)
- Auscultation and Heart Murmurs (2, 0)
- Atrial Fibrillation (1, 0)
- Equine Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis (2, 0)
- Piroplasmosis In Horses (10, 1)
- Trypanosomiasis in Horses (2, 0)
- Red Maple (Pyrogallol) Poisoning (2, 0)
- Equine Viral Arteritis (1, 0)
- Anthrax (4, 0)
- Myeloma (0, 0)
- Coagulation Disorders (1, 0)
- Lymphoma and Lymphosarcoma (1, 0)
- Saddle (Aortic-Iliac) Thrombus (1, 0)
- Chronic Progressive Lymphoedema (Lymphedema) (4, 6)
- African Horse Sickness (1, 0)
- Discussions on Cardiovascular, Blood, and Immune System not covered… (6, 11)
- 50
- 3 months ago
Foal DiseasesArticles and discussions on the problems and diseases of foals. Disease topics are organized by the body system affected or primary symptom, so the Foal Diseases area consists of regrouping disease articles based on foals being affected and then providing links to the topic. To return from those topics to here use your back button.
- Maladjustment Syndrome ∞ (0, 0)
- Meconium Impaction ∞ (0, 0)
- Iron Toxicity in Foals (1, 0)
- Failure of Passive Transfer in Foals ∞ (0, 0)
- Joint Ill: Septic Arthritis in Foals ∞ (0, 0)
- Foal Pneumonia: Rhododoccus equi ∞ (0, 0)
- Foal Heat Diarrhea ∞ (0, 0)
- Infectious Diarrhea In Foals ∞ (0, 0)
- Proliferative Enteropathy in Foals &inf; (0, 0)
- Foal Septicemia ∞ (0, 0)
- Osteochondrosis Dessicans: OCD and DOD ∞ (0, 0)
- Epiphysitis, Physitis, and Physeal Dysplasia ∞ (0, 0)
- Tendon Laxity and Contracture ∞ (0, 0)
- Care and Feeding the Orphan Foal ∞ (0, 0)
- Foal Epilepsy ∞ (0, 0)
- Gastric Ulcers in Foals ∞ (0, 0)
- Lethal White Syndrome ∞ (0, 0)
- Botulism ∞ (0, 0)
- Fescue Toxicity ∞ (0, 0)
- Hypothyroidism in Foals ∞ (0, 0)
- Patent Urachus and Diseases of the Umbilical Cord (2, 0)
- Neonatal Isoerytholysis ∞ (0, 0)
- Severe Combined Immunodeficiency ∞ (0, 0)
- Fell Pony Syndrome ∞ (0, 0)
- Glycogen Branching Enzyme Disease ∞ (0, 0)
- 3
- 10 months ago
Endocrine SystemArticles and discussions on diseases of the endocrine system of horses and equines written and moderated by an equine veterinarian and including: Hypoparathyroidism, Cushings disease, pituitary tumors, equine metabolic syndrome (peripheral cushings), hypothyroidism in adults and foals, hyperthyroidism.
- Hypoparathyroidism in Horses (1, 0)
- Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID): Equine Cushing’s… (12, 0)
- Equine Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance (18, 9)
- Hypothyroidism in Adult Equines (1, 0)
- Hypothyroidism in Foals (1, 0)
- Hyperthyroidism (1, 0)
- Discussions on Endocrine Disorders not covered by above (0, 0)
- 34
- 5 years ago
Reproductive DiseasesArticles and discussions on the problems encountered with breeding horses. Topics are arranged by the period during reproduction that the problems occur:
- Problems Settling Mares
- Pregnancy Problems
- Foaling Problems
- 57
- 3 weeks ago
Eye DiseasesArticles and discussions on eye diseases of horses and equines written and moderated by an equine veterinarian. Topics include cloudy eyes, red eyes, tearing, swollen eye lids, fungal ulcers, bacterial ulcers, keratitis, anterior uveitis, recurrent uveitis, periodic opthalmia, moonblindness, herpes keratitis, glaucoma, cataracts, night blindness, and squamous cell carcinoma.
- Horse’s Eye Anatomy and Function ∞ (0, 0)
- Cloudy Eyes in Horses (2, 0)
- Inflammed, Tearing Eyes, Swollen Lids (5, 0)
- Corneal Ulcers, Fungal and Bacterial Keratitis (5, 0)
- Recurrent Uveitis, Periodic Ophthalmia, and Moonblindness (6, 0)
- Viral & Herpes Keratitis (1, 0)
- Glaucoma (2, 0)
- Cataracts in Horses (2, 0)
- Night Blindness in Horses (3, 0)
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma ∞ (0, 0)
- Topics on Eye Diseases Not Covered Above (5, 0)
- 31
- 3 months ago
Urinary SystemArticles and discussions on diseases of the horse and equine urinary system written and moderated by an equine veterinarian. Topics include diseases of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, urination, urine, and the penis.
- Normal Urination and Urinalysis in Horses (1, 0)
- Kidney Disease and Failure in the Horse (2, 0)
- Chronic Renal Failure (1, 0)
- Penile Prolapse in Horses (1, 0)
- Kidney Stones (1, 0)
- Dribbling and Uncontrolled Urination (1, 0)
- Excessive Drinking and Urination, Polydipsia / Polyuria (PD/PU) … (2, 9)
- Fractional Excretion Test in Horses (1, 0)
- Discussions on the Urinary System not covered above (1, 0)
- 11
- 6 months ago
Fever of Unknown OriginOccasionally a horse will present with fever and all the clinical signs that accompany fever including depression and loss of appetite. This article outlines the assessment of cases of FUO, routine to pursue a diagnosis, and a list of possible causes each with a links to more detailed articles on the possible causes.
- 6
- 3 years ago
First Aid