Giving Injections (Shots), Injection Sites, and Orientation Terms in the Horse
by Robert N. Oglesby DVM
Orientation Sites
Injection Site Selection and Preparation
Drawing Medication and Injection
Vaccination Reactions
More Info & Discussions
Injection sites and technique are discussed in this article. Please note, the first time you give injections you should be coached by your veterinarian. Injections should be given under the direction of your veterinarian. These illustrations are provided to help you learn to do it properly.
Orientation Sites
Orientation Sites
Injection Site Selection and Preparation
Drawing Medication and Injection
Vaccination Reactions
More Info & Discussions
Injection Sites:
: good areas for IM injections
: questionable areas for IM injections
: jugular vein, carotid artery not to be used for IM
Orientation Terminology:
distal: Situated away from the center of the body, or from the point of origin; said of part of a limb, of an artery or a nerve
dorsal: Pertaining to the back or upper surface of an animal.
caudal: Pertaining to the tail.
cranial: Relating to the cranium or head
proximal: Nearest the trunk or the point of origin, said of part of a limb, of an artery or a nerve.
palmar: Referring to the back of the lower part of the front leg; also, synonymous with volar.
plantar: Relating to the back of the lower part of the hind leg.
ventral: The undersurface of an animal
Injection Site Selection and Preparation
Orientation Sites
Injection Site Selection and Preparation
Drawing Medication and Injection
Vaccination Reactions
More Info & Discussions
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