Horse Care contains topics leading to articles on the daily routine procedures and care that horsemen and women are faced with to keep their horses healthy. This includes: Equine Nutrition, Feeds, & Feeding, Parasite Control and Deworming Procedures, Vaccines, Vaccination, and testing for Equine Infectious Anemia & the Coggins Test.
- This category has 129 topics, 4 replies, and was last updated 2 weeks ago by .
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Horsemanship and Daily CareIn this topic articles on routine equine procedures and care that horsemen are faced with daily are covered. Nutrition, Vaccines, Deworming, and other topics not covered here but have their own topics on the Horse Care Topic Menu.
- Castration in Horses (2, 0)
- Equine Dentistry (4, 0)
- Aging Horses by Their Teeth (1, 0)
- Weight Loss and Care of Geriatric Horses (1, 0)
- Horse Grooming & Coat Care (2, 0)
- Prepurchase Exam of the Horse (5, 0)
- Sheath Cleaning in Horses (1, 0)
- Summertime Care of the Horse (1, 0)
- Managing Flies Around Horses and Barns (4, 0)
- Weight, Condition, and Height Measurement of Horses (1, 0)
- Winter and Cold Weather Care of Horses (1, 1)
- 23
- 2 weeks ago
Equine Nutrition, Horse Feeds, FeedingThis topic has articles on the science of equine nutrition, nutrient content of various grains and forages, and the art of feeding horses to keep them healthy. Much has changed in the past few decades and these articles reflect the new science and tempered with the tried and true ways of keeping horses well fed.
- Equine Nutrition Overview (3, 0)
- Drinking Water for Horses (1, 0)
- Feed Intake Examples in Horses by Breed and Discipline (2, 0)
- Nutritional Content of Horse Foods (1, 0)
- Rehabilitating Malnourished Horses (1, 0)
- Pica in Horses: Eating Inappropriate Stuff (2, 0)
- Fescue Toxicity and Pregnant Mares (1, 0)
- Moldy Hay and Equine Asthma (EA) or Heaves in Horses (2, 0)
- Minerals and Electrolytes for Horses an Overview (1, 0)
- Pregnant Mare Care and Nutrition ∞ (0, 0)
- Performance Nutrition (1, 0)
- Feeding the Growing Foal (2, 0)
- Feeding and Caring for the Orphan Foal (2, 0)
- Obesity, Caring for the Overweight Horse (3, 0)
- Feeding and Care for the Geriatric Horse (0, 0)
- Evaluating Weight Loss in Horses (0, 0)
- Current Concepts in Equine Nutrition (5, 0)
- Probiotics and Yeast Culture Products (2, 0)
- Weight, Condition, and Growth Estimation (0, 0)
- Forages for Horses, an Overview (4, 1)
- Horse Pasture Topics (0, 0)
- Alfalfa and Clover, Legumes in the Horse’s Diet (2, 0)
- Beet Pulp and Horses (1, 0)
- Poisonous Plant Topics ∞ (0, 0)
- Grains and Concentrates for Horses (3, 0)
- Fats and Oils in the Horses Diet (2, 0)
- Wheat and Rice Bran (1, 0)
- Vitamins for Horses an Overview (1, 0)
- Vitamin E and Horses (1, 0)
- Vitamin A and Horses (1, 0)
- Electrolytes and Dehydration in Exercising Horses (1, 0)
- Selenium and Horses (1, 0)
- Calcium and Phosphorus in the Horses Diet (1, 0)
- 48
- 9 months ago
Horse Vaccines, Vaccination, and the Coggins TestArticles on available horse vaccines, vaccination schedules, adverse reactions, and the Coggins Test (including the ELISA EIA test). Included are discussions of efficacy and links to diseases for which the vaccines protect.
- 9
- 1 year ago
Worms, Deworming, Parasite ControlThis topic contains articles on how to create an effective deworming program including deworming products (anthelmntics) deworming practices, prevention of resistant parasites and environmental parasite control.
- 17
- 9 months ago
Hoof Care, Trimming, Horse ShoeingArticles on hoof care, trimming, and shoeing horses including proper trimming technique, balancing hooves, breakover, and natural hoof care. Other sections of Horseadvice on horse's hooves include:
- Foot Conformation and Hoof Balance
- Diseases of the Hoof and Sole
- Care of the Hoof: an Overview (3, 0)
- Trimming and Preparing the Feet for Shoes (1, 0)
- The 4 Point or Natural Trim (1, 0)
- Correct Shoeing for Owners and Vets (4, 0)
- Genetics and Gait Faults (1, 0)
- Conformation and Hoof Balance ∞ (0, 0)
- Hoof and Sole Diseases ∞ (0, 0)
- Hoof Care Topics Not Covered Above (0, 0)
- 10
- 5 months ago
Horse Pasture, Fences, BarnsEstablishing horse pasture, pasture maintenance, fences, housing, horse barns, buildings, and other related topics.
- 17
- 2 months ago
Horse Trailers, Trucks, & TraileringTeaching horses to load, picking out a suitable truck and trailer, and traveling with horses information.
- Teaching a Horse to Load
- 4
- 1 year ago
Horse Care Tips and TricksMembers, got a little horse management trick or tip that makes for the easy life when it comes to your horses? Pass it along, enough good ideas and we will trade in that muck fork for a hammock! Best management tip of the month gets free months added to your membership. Winners will get posted in the newsletter.
- 1
- 7 years ago
Horsemanship and Daily Care